The Sufi Movement in South Africa

The purpose of the Sufi Movement is to work towards world unity and unity of religion, by spreading the Sufi Message of Love, Harmony and Beauty.

Sunday Services

Universal Worship is held every second and fourth Sunday of the month at the Sufi Temple in Cape Town, except in December when it is on the second Sunday and the 25th of December.

Time: 10h30 to 11h30
Tea is served in the garden after each service.

The Sufi Message

The Sufi Message is a call to unite in understanding and knowledge. It is the echo of the same Divine Message which has always come and always will come to enlighten humanity.

The Sufi Temple Cape Town

The Cape Town Temple

The Sirkar Sufi Centre, a four-frequency icosahedron geodesic dome temple, was designed by Heinrich Kuhn. He chose to do it as part of his university thesis.

The brief for the Sufi Temple in Newlands, Cape Town, was inspired by the mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan, who introduced Sufism into the western world and who believed that everything first conceived on the spiritual plane is only brought to completion when manifested on the physical plane and that the essence of the Sufi Message is the awareness of the “Divine in Man”.


The sermons delivered at our Universal Worship Services form part of our podcasts. These simple non-sectarian, devotional services highlight the unity of religious ideals and are based upon the Sufi Message brought to the Western world in 1910 by Hazrat Inayat Khan.

The Sufi Movement - Cape Town Temple